The Wedding 101 Series: The Flower Girl
There are so many traditions when it comes to weddings that sometimes it might seem like a mystery as to why people choose to do them in the first place. As we are stepping into 2019, many of these traditions have stayed with us for centuries, providing weddings with a familiarity despite much of the various wedding trends we see pop up as the years go by. We decided to start a series on wedding traditions, Wedding 101 if you will, and our first entry will be all about the flower girl.
Traditionally, we know all about the flower girl. She’s cute, young, and bursting with excitement--or nerves--on the wedding day. Typically, most flower girls are between the ages of three and ten years old (though some can be younger or older) and are usually a member of your family, immediate or extended. She is usually another member of the bridal party in that she gets ready alongside the bride and her bridesmaids, has her part to play during the ceremony, and poses for pictures just like the rest of the wedding party.
Whether she’s tossing petals while she walks down the aisle or is simply holding the ring bearers hand, the flower girl is definitely one of the sweetest things you’ll see at any wedding.
Historically, flower girls were seen as the essence of innocence. As she leads the bride down the aisle, her presence symbolically represents the bride losing her own innocence. During the ancient Roman Empire, flower girls were virgins and carried a sheaf of wheat. At that time, the wheat represented the ushering in of prosperity for the bride and groom.

In order to "ward off" bad luck and evil spirits, flower girls during the Renaissance era carried strands of garlic. It wasn’t until the Elizabethan era that flower petals became a staple of the traditional wedding ceremony. Guests would spread these petals from the home of the bride all the way to the church. Flower girls also carried with them rosemary branches or leaves and/or flower petals. Rosemary is a symbol of love and fidelity between the bride and groom.
The Victorian era flower girl was more representative of today's modern flower girl. Back then, flower girls dressed in all white and typically her dress was simple enough to allow for future use. Fast forward to this century, and we still see the similarities.
Today, it’s not unusual that the flower girl is just another member of the bridal party: participating in all of the lead-up activities (except the bachelorette party, of course) and acting as a "mini-bride." They get dolled up, literally, and often have a dress that is similar in style and color as the bride's.
One trend we are so happy to help provide are matching robes, sleepshirts, and PJs for your flower girl, or girls if you so choose. We offer all children's sizes, we can customize and embroider your selection so that your flower girl feels just as special as the bride does on the big day.
After all, being a flower girl is a big responsibility and an exciting moment in any young girl’s life. Just make sure that she is ready by coaching her through the process, reminding her that she might be nervous but that it’s okay, and that she is appreciated for her bravery. Rehearsal day is just as important for the little ones in your bridal party as it is for everyone else. Make sure to have some snacks on hand or a favorite toy, just in case.
Do you have any flower girl traditions from your family or culture? Let us know in the comment!